in person

with John Markland

March 20th – May 8th

 Is your acting as recognizable as your signature?

There is a fear of authenticity, an aversion to invention, an avoidance of strong choices, a denying of instinct and risky impulses, a dread of being too much, UNTIL… a NAME comes along and validates it. ART MURDER.

Let’s find your signature. You write it without thinking but no one else’s looks like yours. It’s your name. Your identification and authorization. Do you sit there wondering about if you did it right or what others think of it? Acting, any art you create, can be the same way.

Your authenticity is the most priceless thing you have. While everyone is trying to guess what they are looking for, anticipate what type they want, make it like so and so… STOP! Let them see and hear you, maybe even the part you hide from everyone… but the part you know, without any doubt, without any filter, is you.

In this scene class, I will ask you to find songs, writing, painting, dances that you feel inside. Pieces of art that engage your soul. It doesn’t matter why, but they move you. We will then have a writer translate that into scenes for you to explore with your signature voice… it may feel different that you have acted before, and it may awaken something you’ve always felt.
You MUST have 5 years of acting experience and to have worked professionally.